Risk Warning: Trading financial products on margin carries a high degree of risk and is not suitable for all investors. Losses can exceed the initial investment. Please ensure you fully understand the risks and take appropriate care to manage your risk.


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Primark Social Trading

Both platforms are eligible for Primark Social Trading. Please note, however, that if you hold a MT4 account and the Strategy Provider you follow is trading CFD Stocks, you will not be able to copy those trades as Stocks are only available on MT5.

Make sure you have a live account, then register as a Follower (to copy other traders) or Strategy Provider (to let others copy your trades) with your existing credentials.

Primark Social Trading is an integrated platform that allows you to connect to other accounts and copy their trades, or to become a Strategy Provider and let other traders copy you in exchange for a Performance Fee percentage on the profits you generated. Once the accounts are connected, the copying happens automatically.