Risk Warning: Trading financial products on margin carries a high degree of risk and is not suitable for all investors. Losses can exceed the initial investment. Please ensure you fully understand the risks and take appropriate care to manage your risk.

Copy the most successful traders

If they succeed, you succeed.


How it works…

Starting is simple and free.

Tickmill Social Trading Follower

If you don’t have one already, create a Trading Account with Tickmill.

Tickmill Social Trading Follower

Using the MT4/MT5 credentials and server number you received by email, register as a follower.

Tickmill Social Trading Follower

Choose your favourite Strategy Providers and let them do the work. Start with any amount. Read our user guide to get started.


Copy the best in a few clicks

Scroll through strategy providers, check their performance, copy your favourite ones.



Why Tickmill
Social Trading?

Trade like the best

Browse through the trading history and performance of the best traders and strategies. Choose your favourite traders and start copying and automatically replicate the same results your strategy providers get.

Trade Like the Best

Connect, copy, and sit back

Trading is a time-consuming activity. Let your favourite traders do the work for you: connect and sit back while the top performers you select work for you and help you achieve your results. Trades are completely automated.

Connect, Copy, and Sit Back

Diversify your portfolio

Select the strategies that best suit your overall portfolio: keep trading like you did and redirect some of your funds to copy traders who use different strategies. Diversification is key to success.

Diversify Your Portfolio

Learn from the best

Skip the line and learn to trade from the best while copying their trades. Tickmill Social Trading is not just copying, it’s a community to jump-start your trading.

Learn From the Best

Tickmill is a registered trademark of the Tickmill Group of Companies and the services are provided by each of the respective Tickmill entities, as regulated and licensed by each of its competent authority, more specifically, Tickmill Limited is a licensed investment firm under the regulation of the Financial Services Authority (“FSA”), and as such inform you in advance, the following:

Trading in financial instruments involves substantial high risk and carries the potential for the losses.  Trading of financial products on margin carries a high risk and is not suitable for all investors.  Losses can exceed the initial investment.

By continuing to use the services provided you accept the risk(s) related to such services and/or products including the acknowledgment of the fact you can lose more money than invested.  You should consider whether you understand how trading in financial instruments works and whether your financial situation, lifestyle and/or obligations can allow you to take such risk(s), as there is high risk of having to assume the loss of the entire investment. There is no guarantee of any profits and/or there is no guarantee of results based on past performance on any current or future performance, all data is provided solely for informational purposes.  No representation is made that any account or trading strategy will or is likely to achieve the profits and/or losses similar to those that are displayed.

Furthermore, it should be understood by you that any trading on “Demo Account” is for information and educational purposes only, and should not be used as any sort of assurance that the trading performed on Demo Account shall have the same or similar result(s) once trading takes place in any Real Account(s).   By continuing the use of the Tickmill services, you understand and agree to the following which is not limited to:   that during high volatile market, orders may have larger slippage (positive or negative) on the accounts of followers.  Orders executed on different prices than the signal providers may occur. Signal providers should avoid engaging in trading practices that might overload the trading servers. It may be considered as a type of abuse and signal provider might be disabled without prior notice.  In addition, considering the amount of equity managed by the signal providers and the volatility risk that followers may face, Tickmill has the right to change the signal providers and/or the follower’s leverage anytime with no prior notice.

This website does not make any promises, guarantees or any representations whatsoever that the trading activities and/or trading systems are suitable or profitable for you.  It is highly recommended that you consult with an independent professional before proceeding to any real activity related to online trading in any financial instruments and/or products, and to take any appropriate care to manage your risk(s) related to any trading activity.   Furthermore, we wish to inform you and place you on notice that the trading systems in general have been developed for the sophisticated traders who fully understand and appreciate the nature and the scope of the risks associated with trading.

Trading is carried out by you on your own risk and on your own decisions, none of the Tickmill entities provide any sort of investment advice, and Tickmill reserves all rights.

Frequently Asked Questions

Tickmill Social Trading is an integrated platform that allows you to connect to other accounts and copy their trades, or to become a Strategy Provider and let other traders copy you in exchange for a Performance Fee percentage on the profits you generated. Once the accounts are connected, the copying happens automatically.

Make sure you have a live account, then register as a Follower with your existing credentials.

Both platforms are eligible for Tickmill Social Trading. Please note however that if you hold a MT4 account and the Strategy Provider you follow is trading CFD Stocks, you will not be able to copy those trades as Stocks are only available on MT5.

You can find a user guide here.

Yes, the trades will be copied right on your MT4/MT5 and you will be able to open other trades, or to close the trades opened by the Strategy Provider you follow.

Once you registered as a Follower, you can scroll through the Strategy Providers and select which one you want to connect to.

From your Follower profile settings, you will be able to decide the criteria you want to apply when copying the trades, the ratio at which you want to copy, and set limits that will automatically close position or stop your subscription (meaning that you will stop copying the Strategy Provider).

Yes, you can follow multiple Strategy Providers from the same Trading Account.

Some Strategy Providers may have set limits to the number of Followers they accept, so you will not be able to copy them if they reached their limit.

Yes, but you will need two different Trading Accounts. Register your main account (first registration) as a Follower/Strategy Provider and add a second Trading Account as a Strategy Provider/Follower.

Tickmill Social Trading is completely free for Tickmill clients. However, the strategy provider can choose to charge a percentage of Performance Fees. You will be charged that percentage only on your profits and for a maximum of 50%.

"Rating" is an aggregated value that is being calculated by Tickmill using various weighted return and volatility characteristics. We do not disclose the exact calculation and we reserve the right to change it at any time without prior notice.

Sure, you can place your own trades and close trades that have been copied from the Provider you follow.

Yes. Please use any of your trading accounts to register as a Signal Provider. This trading account will become you Main trading account. You can then use this trading account to add any other accounts inside the Social Trading Client portal that will be marked as Additional trading accounts. Just navigate to Client Portal -> My Accounts -> Create to add any accounts by entering your trading account credentials.

Note, only Tickmill Active Trading Account created via the Client Area can be added to Tickmill Social Trading.

Performance Fees are paid at the end of the week, or of the month, depending on the frequency chosen by the Strategy Provider.

You can find a user guide here.

The trades are copied instantly at market price.