Huiling showed excellent account and risk management skills in April 2020 and got a $1,000 prize!

Read Huiling's interview and see his account statement - to make your own success story.

How long have you been trading?

I have been trading for 11 years.

How did you get involved in Forex trading?

I started trading after seeing an advertisement on a random webpage, then I leanred how to trade by myself.

What is your trading style?

Always follow market trends.

Do you practice risk management?

Definitely, the risks in trading can be big or small, but risk management is necessary in all cases.

What are some good habits smart traders develop?

They need to evaluate the market situation and always follow the market trends in trading.

Describe your best/most memorable trade (How much did you profit? What was the strategy? What pair?)

The most memorable trade was in 2011. At that time, the price of gold increased a lot, which even reached1920 USD per ounce, also many famous institutions claimed that the price would keep increasing, so I entered in the market. However, the gold price decreased by almost half of its value in the next 6 months. This made me understand we always need to think about the potential risks and make our own decisison. Do not blindly follow other people’s opinions.

What advice would you give to new traders?

They need to clam down when having unsuccessful trades and be resolute for next trades.

Considering the current state of the market, what do you think are the news/events traders should keep an eye on?

Because of the development of the internet and big data analysis, it becomes more and more difficult for news trader to find potential trading opportunities. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on position management and trading costs changes.

What are the most important things you look for in a Forex broker?

I like Tickmill because it has a good reputation in the industry, low commission fees, safe payment channels, high speed trading environment and stable trading servers.