Risk Warning: Trading financial products on margin carries a high degree of risk and is not suitable for all investors. Losses can exceed the initial investment. Please ensure you fully understand the risks and take appropriate care to manage your risk.

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Forex Glossary


Manufacturing Production

Measures the total output of the manufacturing aspect of the Industrial Production figures. This data only measure the 13 sub sectors that relate directly to manufacturing. Manufacturing makes up approximately 80% of total Industrial Production.

Margin Call

A request from a broker or dealer for additional funds or other collateral to guarantee performance on a position that has moved against the customer.


The required equity that an investor must deposit to collateralize a position.


Process of re-evaluating all open positions with the current market prices. These new values then determine margin requirements.

Market Maker

A dealer who regularly quotes both bid and ask prices and is ready to make a two-sided market for any financial instrument.

Market Risk

Exposure to changes in market prices.


The date for settlement or expiry of a financial instrument.