Risk Warning: Trading financial products on margin carries a high degree of risk and is not suitable for all investors. Losses can exceed the initial investment. Please ensure you fully understand the risks and take appropriate care to manage your risk.

Wöchentliche Marktanalyse und -trends

Beat Nussbaumer

12 Jan 2024 10:00 GMT +01:00
Dann nehmen Sie an unserer neuen kostenlosen Webinar-Reihe teil, die am Freitag, den 14. April, startet. Moderiert wird sie von Beat Nussbaumer, einem ehemaligen FX-Profi-Trader bei Goldman Sachs, mit 35 Jahren Erfahrung als Markt-Macher, Eigenhändler und Leiter des FX-Tradings.

Sie erhalten Einblicke in Marktbewegungen und was für die jeweils kommende Woche zu erwarten ist. Außerdem gibt es jede Woche exklusive Analysen zu spezifischen Währungspaaren. In seinen Webinaren wird Beat von Zeit zu Zeit auch Themen wie Aktien, Rohstoffe, Anleihen, Futures & Optionen und Marktvolatilität behandeln.

Wir geben Ihnen die Gelegenheit, von einem Profi zu lernen & dem Markt immer einen Schritt voraus zu sein!

Haftungsausschluss: Die Webinare dienen lediglich Informations- und Schulungszwecken. Es handelt sich dabei nicht um eine Anlageberatung durch Tickmill.
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Please try again later.","id":"lScXK3Uq"},{"code":"technical","message":"We are experiencing some technical issues. Please try again later.","id":"TKQE7GAg"},{"code":"birthdate_char","message":"You must be 18 years old to register","id":"qVqmkF83"},{"code":"duplicate_data","message":"You have already registered. Please note that each Client can open only one Welcome Account.","id":"NLjurC8s"},{"code":"account_char1","message":"Account number is invalid","id":"cRlFUaQP"},{"code":"account_mismatch","message":"Please make sure that the information provided matches your registered details","id":"TewUwtW4"},{"code":"deposit_numeric","message":"The amount is not in a valid format","id":"HnIyrxWT"},{"code":"deposit_amount","message":"Please enter a valid amount between 100 and 5000000","id":"CSU2e8rQ"},{"code":"limit_reached","message":"Dear Client, please be informed that you have reached the limit of demo accounts available per person. Therefore, this request will not be processed. Feel free to contact us if you need further clarification.","id":"2QG1nRPz"},{"code":"email_temp_provider","message":"The use of temporary email address is not allowed","id":"Dm2YzoRO"},{"code":"email_tradingaccount_mismatch","message":"The email is not associated with trading account provided","id":"3Eqghelw"},{"code":"birthdate_year","message":"You must be at least 18 years old to register.","id":"1SD3Epiw"},{"code":"country_char","message":"Selected country is not eligible for this type of account","id":"g6Lkisx9"},{"code":"company","message":"This type of account is not allowed for the selected company","id":"Tx4bbkc9"},{"code":"currency","message":"There was an error opening the account. Please contact support providing them with the following code: CURR10","id":"FT97Dhkd"},{"code":"gender","message":"There was an error opening the account. 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Please contact support providing them with the following code: ACGR70","id":"QxXXBFFr"},{"code":"account_group_type_unknown","message":"There was an error opening the account. Please contact support providing them with the following code: ACGR71","id":"agVBXSez"},{"code":"lead_unknown","message":"There was an error opening the account. Please contact support providing them with the following code: LDUK80","id":"CuFaAml0"},{"code":"lead_already_connected","message":"There was an error opening the account. Please contact support providing them with the following code: LDUK81","id":"luQabzEa"},{"code":"lead_source_unknown","message":"There was an error opening the account. Please contact support providing them with the following code: LDUK82","id":"J13UnVib"},{"code":"lead_exists","message":"There was an error opening the account. Please contact support providing them with the following code: LDUK83","id":"g9W9hxwa"},{"code":"lead_already_converted","message":"There was an error opening the account. Please contact support providing them with the following code: LDUK84","id":"nKXwYBNC"},{"code":"already_started_verification","message":"There was an error opening the account. Please contact support providing them with the following code: LDUK85","id":"sCw61Vd3"},{"code":"lead_already_verified","message":"There was an error opening the account. Please contact support providing them with the following code: LDUK86","id":"4FBewy82"},{"code":"awaiting_verification","message":"There was an error opening the account. Please contact support providing them with the following code: LDUK87","id":"JxAuWYqk"},{"code":"invalid_lead_type","message":"There was an error opening the account. Please contact support providing them with the following code: LDUK88","id":"7Xf8xs4r"},{"code":"platform_error","message":"There was an error opening the account. Please contact support providing them with the following code: MTPL90","id":"RObzALkR"},{"code":"platform_unknown","message":"There was an error opening the account. Please contact support providing them with the following code: MTPL91","id":"TcAe1VNf"},{"code":"database_error","message":"There was an error opening the account. Please contact support providing them with the following code: DBSE92","id":"knz2Ewgf"},{"code":"firstname_char","message":"Please enter a valid First Name","id":"jb38vqAV"},{"code":"lastname_char","message":"Please enter a valid Last Name","id":"brUODpPB"},{"code":"statamic_phone_e164","message":"Please enter a valid phone number.","id":"XU91nbe0"},{"code":"name_contains_illegal_characters_exception","message":"Name contains illegal characters","id":"lnk1d57r"}]

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